Preparing concrete floors for coatings

Concrete floor prep is something that requires a great deal of thought in order to get right. Having specialised in this area for years, our team know this better than anyone else. With our knowledge and experience, finding a suitable solution for you won’t be difficult.

Concrete floor prepBelieve it or not, many coatings fail because people don’t prepare the surface of the concrete floor correctly. When introducing these coatings to slabs, thinking that it’s ready because it looks dry isn’t enough. You need to take the proper steps to be successful. This includes cleaning before you add the coat. We’re going to look closer at how you should clean your slab so you can get better results.


Look out for grease, oil, and similar chemicals. Any contaminants on the surface could affect how well the coating will bond with the new coating. In some cases their presence can lead to premature failure. To help find any issues you should carry out a water bead test. Should the water bead, then you’ll know that the floor is contaminated. You’ll want to use a powerful concrete degreaser for cleaning.

Repair flaws

Newly laid concrete that has not been prepared can have laitance. This can prevent a bond between the new coat and the concrete, potentially leading to lifting. Older slabs may also have cracks or holes. It is important to repair these in advance or they can also affect the bond or reveal flaws.

Acid etching

Those who plan to paint their concrete floor will require acid etching. Start by running your hand over the surface. You will need to etch if it feels smooth. The most commonly used acid here is hydrochloric because it produces great results.

At JSR 247 Limited, we assist clients from all over the country. We’re able to provide any kind of finish you want. Our versatility has earned us a reputation of being an outstanding supplier of concrete floor prep services. If there is anything we can help you with, don’t hesitate to contact us.