Roofing Seal

Roofing is a vital part of a building and is something you should maintain with care. This is especially important when you consider the surface has a lot of exposure to UV rays, water, ice, and more. If you are proactive though, it can extend the life of the surface and save you a lot in the long run. One of the best things you can do is invest in a high quality roof seal.

What Is The Benefit?

Roof sealant provides a protective barrier for the roofing materials. As a result it is the sealants that wear away rather than the substrate. This generally happens at a much slower rate because the seals are designed to be very durable. In addition it is easier and more cost effective to replace the seal than it is to re-do the whole roof.

The protection against the elements is not the only benefit of a roof seal though. It can also improve fire resistance, prevent mould and algae growth, and make the roof look more attractive. Perhaps more importantly it reduces the risk of leaks occurring.

Professional Installation

If you invest in roof sealing you need to get the right level of service. It is important the sealant is a high quality product that will last. In addition it must be applied correctly and evenly. A thin coat will not offer the maximum level of protection. Uneven coatings can create flaws or even allow water to pool.

At JSR 247 Limited we have a lot of experience with roof seals. It is a service we are very proud to offer to all of our clients. We only use top quality sealant and ensure our team apply it correctly.

The thing that makes us really stand out is we have experience of working on different types of roofing. This includes a variety of materials as well as different scales. Whether it is a small surface or a huge building, we produce excellent results. More importantly, our team know how to work safely and will not damage the roof materials.

If you want to find out more about why you should invest in a roof seal please contact us. We can add brand new ones to properties or replace existing ones.